Writers Guild Strike: the Possibility and History of Strikes



The Writers Guild of America, WGA, recently voted on the possibility of a total strike and almost 98% of voters were in favor of striking for better pay and treatment. 

The timing of this call for a walkout is due to the contract between WGA, both the east and west coast branches, and The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers expiring on May 1, 2023. While the most recent time that a vote was called in the WGA for strike authorization in 2017 did not end in a strike, there are precedents for a total WGA strikes. In late 2007 through early 2008, the WGA had a strike that did result in favorable outcomes for union members. But the current contract negotiations are apparently not going well and might actually result in a strike. According to the WGA's website, there are systems and funds in place if a strike is called to be able to take care of union members and their families. Some of these systems, including group captains who are able to get information out to those who are striking and to assist on the ground level, were established in the 2007-2008 strike.

A few of the things that are being negotiated are: increased minimum pay for writers, better treatment of writers, for writers to be correctly compensated for their work, especially by streaming platforms, and more consideration/pay for members health and pension plans. This coincides with the rising national inflation rate, the incredibly slow raises of minimum wages, and a series of large media companies laying off thousands of their employees. 

The WGA's chief negotiator Chris Keyser said in an interview, "We are the people who create the stuff that the world watches. And yet we're treated as if we are virtually valueless. Sustaining a writing career has become almost untenable for a large percentage of our members. We're just at a breaking point." One can only hope that this resolves soon for the sakes of all of those who will be affected.


  1. This is an interesting read and definitely something that people should be aware of. I am not familiar with the career as a writer, but I do know that very few people in media get paid adequately for the amount of clicks and views they generate for companies. It is good to see writers pushing for their work to be valued.


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